Breast Augmentation
I would never advise a woman to get implants. It is really tempting to get implants when you see nice breasts in magazines and on advertisement posters. It sure got me !!!! I also wanted to have a nice full round breast but the reality is SO different. Yes, implants will give you the illusion of bigger breast and they may look great in some clothes. However there is way more to them when we really have them in OUR bodies.
Here is the very important list that most women are not aware when getting the implants :
1. You can feel the implants very well.
2. You feel like you have 2 bags in your chest.
3. You ARE aware of them for 24 h.
4. Hugging people is always awkward because you always feel like there is something between you and you can feel those implants.
5. It is very uncomfortable to lay on you stomach and perform any exercises. They are always on your way.
6. Your breast is often cold as implants do not warm up to the body temperature.
7. It is very uncomfortable to run or jump.
8. They are heavy.
9. In some clothing they will make you look fat and short waisted.
10. You may have a trouble to find fitting tops. You will have to buy bigger size clothes for your tops that fits your chest size but then you waist is not well fitted.
11. Implants do not last life time only 10 years so the maintenance is very expensive.
12. There is aways a risk of complications,you can get them at any time then you have to spend more money and have more surgeries.
13. You may loose your breast feeling, you nipples may be numb.
14. They wrinkle and ripple if you do not have enough breasts tissue. The rippling is very ugly !
15. It is harder to breath.
16. They do not feel like part of you they are very uncomfortable.
The list could go on and on. Bottom line is this surgery is really not worth it. You can loose lots of money. I am simply speaking of my experience. I had implants for 7 years. First set saline under the muscles and they were horrible. They felt like bags of water and ripple a lot. When I was flexing my muscles which was all the time because we use chest muscles for anything like opening the door etc the implants looked horrible. The muscles were pushing them to the sides and flattening them. I was embarrassed and could not work out anymore like I used to.
I then got some producgts here and they worked in the first 6 weeks, its a lot longer to wait, but so much more worth it!!
Prices of Natureday's Breast Enlargement